192.8 miles (310.28 km)
3 hours 13 mins
GAS COST (One Way)
Route map between Phoenix and Lake Havasu City
There are 192.8 miles from Phoenix to Lake Havasu City in northwest direction and 192.8 miles (310.28 kilometers) by car, following the I-10 W route.
Phoenix and Lake Havasu City are 3 hours 13 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop.
This is the fastest route from Phoenix, AZ to Lake Havasu City, AZ. The halfway point is Quartzsite, AZ.
Phoenix, AZ and Lake Havasu City, AZ are in the same time zone (Mountain Standard Time). Arizona does not observe daylight savings time.
Gas Consumption and Emissions
A car with an MPG of 40 will need 4.82 gallons of gas to cover the route between Phoenix, AZ and Lake Havasu City, AZ.
A car with an MPG of 30 will need 6.42 gallons of gas to cover the route between Phoenix, AZ and Lake Havasu City, AZ.
A car with an MPG of 20 will need 9.64 gallons of gas to cover the route between Phoenix, AZ and Lake Havasu City, AZ.
The estimated cost of gas to go from Phoenix to Lake Havasu City is $23.13.
During the route, an average car will release 181.84 pounds of CO2 to the atmosphere. Your carbon footprint is 0.91 pounds of CO2 per mile.
Halfway Point
If you want to meet halfway between Phoenix, AZ and Lake Havasu City, AZ or just make a stop in the middle of your trip, the exact coordinates of the halfway point of this route are 33.614944 and -113.684326, or 33º 36' 53.7984" N, 113º 41' 3.5736" W. This location is 100.24 miles away from Phoenix, AZ and Lake Havasu City, AZ and it would take approximately 1 hour 50 mins to reach the halfway point from both locations.
Closest City or Town to Halfway Point
The closest town to the halfway point is Quartzsite, AZ, situated 105.31 miles from Phoenix, AZ and 94.3 miles from Lake Havasu City, AZ. It would take 1 hour 53 mins to go from Phoenix to Quartzsite and 2 hours 21 mins to go from Lake Havasu City to Quartzsite.
Major Cities Along the Route
The only major cities along the route are Phoenix, AZ, Buckeye, AZ, Quartzsite, AZ and Salome, AZ.