The Distance From Phoenix to Lake Havasu AZ is 193 miles and drive time is about 3 hours and 10 minutes with our company. The bus if available normally takes about 6 and a half hours. With us it's normally just you and the driver in the vehicle going straight to your destination. No bus stops or waiting. This is a door to door service. Just have to make a reservation ahead of time, so you don't have to worry about having a driver available. It's about half of the cost of taking a taxi and we have great drivers and nicer vehicles. Most of them have been with our company for years, so there are no surprises.
From the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, you will drive west on the 10 freeway until you get to Quartzsite and then head north to Lake Havasu City AZ. Part of Lake Havasu is on the Arizona side and the other part is on the California side. Most of the attractions and hotels are in Arizona.
One interesting fact is that Lake Havasu is frequently used for spring break horror movies like Piranha and many others. It can be very hot and there isn't much shade, so check the weather before you go and bring lots of sunscreen. If you go during Spring Break, it's one big party every night. The rest of the year it's pretty quiet except for the Hot Air Balloon Festival. It's a very beautiful thing to watch and participate in. One downside is that there is no Lake Havasu City Airport, so PHX is pretty much your best option. You can rent a car, but the rates, insurance and gas after staying 4-5 days will typically be more than a shuttle. We can also give you a ride from Lake Havasu to Phoenix on the way back.