The distance from Phoenix to Tucson is 113 miles. This assumes you are going from downtown Phoenix, AZ to downtown Tucson, AZ. This is rarely the case, so it's a lot more accurate to put in your pickup and drop off address. You also want to know the correct miles to calculate how long it will take and the cost depending on the type of transportation you choose.
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PHX to Tucson Shuttle and back to PHX
May 04, 2018
Often people have to attend a meeting or visit family, and then go back to the place from where they come in 3-7 days. Most of the domestic and international flights arrive in Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport in Arizona, because it's a lot more economical. In case you have to travel to another destination and come back the same day or a few days later, you can count on us. For example, you have a meeting or have family in Tucson and your flight landed on PHX Sky Harbor International Airport, you can use the round trip service on PHX to Tucson Shuttle and then back to PHX. With this offer you get a...